Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

Booking information

How can I make a reservation?
What is the address I use for the GPS?
What times do I indicate when making a reservation?
I have confirmed my reservation, what happens now?
How much time in advance should I present myself at the parking lot?
Is it mandatory to print the confirmation voucher?
Can I make a reservation for 2 or more vehicles at the same time?
Do I have to leave my key behind?

Change reservation/cancellation

How can I make changes to my reservation?
What do I do if I come back later than I what I have stated?
What do I do if I come back earlier than what I have stated?
Can I cancel my reservation?
What does it cost if I cancel my reservation?


How can I pay for my reservation?
On internet the price of x Euro per day is mentioned, but after calculating on your site it is more expensive. Why?
How can I obtain an invoice?
I do not have a discount code, what do I enter here?
The discount code does not work. How do I proceed?

Shuttle Bus

How will I be transported to the airport?
How often do the shuttle buses go to the airport?
How much luggage can I take on the shuttle bus?
Can I take a wheelchair on the shuttle bus?
Are there child car seats available?

Available Services

Covered parking
Parking spaces for disabled persons
Electric vehicle charging stations

Compliments or complaints

What do I do if I have a complaint?
Do you have a suggestion/review?
In case of damage to my vehicle, how should I proceed?


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